Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Quick Terms and Concepts

I'll introduce some terms / concepts that might help you better understand the media in terms of 

Awareness, the Media Sphere, Theories and Policies

Click on the definition to learn more

First up is Awareness

Propaganda: Media or news used to push an agenda, call people to action, influence an audience
Disinformation: The deliberate or intentional spread of false information
Smith-Mundt Act: Allowed "materials produced by the State Department and the BBG to be
                                   disseminated within the US"
Total Information Awareness: A mass detection program that wants to improve on the ability to
                                                       detect, classify, and identify foreign terrorists
False Flag: The act of hiding the real source and putting blame on someone / something else
Five Eyes: An intelligence alliance comprised of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United
                    Kingdom, and the United States

Next is the MediaSphere

MSM (Mainstream Media): The various big brand media and news sources regarded as a collective
Alternative Media: The media and news sources that aren't mainstream, smaller, underground
Echo Chamber: An area where news, information, etc is never challenged but rather reinforced
Whistleblower:  Someone who reports things a company is doing that are illegal or endanger others
Online Influencers: A credible internet user who persuades others to act from their
Citizen Journalism: The public collecting, deciding, and analyzing news / information on the web

Up next, Theories

Illusory Truth Effect: The fact that when you hear false information repeated, it becomes true to
Confirmation Bias: The tendency to only seek out / intake information that supports one's ideals
Gatekeeping: The decision of who can access what information
Agenda Setting: The idea that the media tends to report and set a kind of agenda based on their
Overton Window: A model for why ideas change over time and how they can affect politics
Spiral of Silence: A models for why sways in public opinion occur

Lastly, Policies

Sherman Anti-Trust Act: Congress's first measure in prohibiting trusts 
Media Consolidation: The concentration of news sources into fewer corporations
Vertical Integration: A strategy to control a company's value / supply chain by owning its suppliers,
                                     distributers, etc
Net Neutrality: The basic principle where internet service providers cannot block content 
News Deserts: An area that lacks access to credible and comprehensive  news that feeds democracy
Cord Cutting: The process of people quitting traditional tv services and moving to cable / satellite 

It's not much today but keep these in mind when formulating your next thought on a subject :)

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