Thursday, March 25, 2021

*The Good, the Bad, and the Hate Speech: Theories on Why the Hate Speech is protected by the 1st Amendment*

When it comes to hate speech, it's really annoying, depressing, and it would be better if we just outlawed it


Hate speech, regardless of its intent to push an agenda, be malicious, or just for the meme, is a key part of our society and the government body

While that may sound depressing at first, there are many ways that hate speech and speech related to it have been carefully governed around to have a bit of a positive effect while not breaking our constitutional right to free speech

In the quickest way I know how to describe this phenomenon and the easiest way to remember the advice

✨Let them do them and simply watch ✨

There are some theories on why the hate speech is protected by the 1st Amendment and why it's a benefit to society for this to continue being the case, such as the following

1. The Participation in Self Government Theory sets the legal terms most simply The prerequisite for democracy is that

the govt gets its power only through the consent of the governed.

By silencing those who would spread hate speech, you are essentially taking away the key foundation that makes our country a democracy. We have to respect the system that our founding fathers fought and died to create for a dream of a better country, a radical idea for its time to preserve the rights of individuals. The first amendment is a mechanism for participation in self government, the ability to participate and talk to the govt makes us a democracy

Legal reasons aside, here are some reasons why hate speech is "progressive" in a round about way and why illegalizing it would really not be a good idea, even if the first amendment didn't protect

2. The Marketplace of Ideas Theory and the Stable Change Theory,        They both basically say to not censor hate speech and to display everything, t

the good, the bad, the ugly, the unpopular, the radical, the unimaginable, the complicated, etc

because in order for the real truth to reveal itself, those ideas and concepts need to clash with the hope that the good fair truth that we can all agree on will present itself and it’s not as if censoring the “bad” would do anything to make them go away. They would just fester, and grow, and possibly explode one day into, I don’t know, an attack on the nation’s capital for instance. So, it really is in the government’s best interest to let these people vent.

3. The Promote Tolerance Theory aka the anti helicopter mom theory 

It wants to expose the world for what it is, not only to prepare them for it, but to also promote a better, more tolerant world because when you expose someone for saying a slur or something hateful, not only are you acknowledging that this is the real world but also, you have

unleashed the hounds of social justice users on the internet and they are not kind.

Those impressionable enough to maybe side with this hateful radicalism will see the swarm of, there’s no better way to say it, consequences for not only thinking but acting on that hateful mindset and probably think twice about it. It’s not the hate speech that’s making society worse, it’s the consequences that these people and ideals get that create a more tolerant society in the long run. would also argue that by showing both parties it may encourage people to be more open minded.

A good place to look these theories and more is another blog poster right here on blogger by Prof.Smith Here's a Quizlet on it and Here's the Legal Information Institute page on it

In the end, let the haters hate

because when they do, they get the consequences of society and when they don't, they might start a riot

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