Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Overview on Youtube

Youtube is the number one video sharing platform currently
but how did it get here?

Founded in 2005 by Chad Hurley, Jawed Karim, and Steve Chen

YouTube's original purpose was to be a simple video sharing site where people could upload, share, and watch video content without restrictions but has evolved into what it is today with

500 hours of watch content posted every minute

And is making itself out to be a decent living for strong content creators by taking advantage of
The Youtube Partner Program and Google's AdSense

With the Partner Program:                                            With Google AdSense:
Creators have access to a lot more                                 Creators can earn money by selling ad space in
recourses and features that can turn                               their videos that they upload
their videos into revenue                                        
                                                                                                Learn more here at 
You can read more about the                                                  Google AdSense
Partner Program and its eligibility at
     YouTube Partner Program    
      Overview and Eligibility      

A good timeline of events can be found at Interesting Engineering's article on YouTube which features a nearly month by month timeline of YouTube history from 2005 to 2020

Like anything, YouTube is going to come with its

      Advantages                         and                      Disadvantages

            - Free                                                                                    - If you plan to post and make money
            - Integration with Google AdSense                                        you'll most likely need an editor
            - Clean and Clear                                                                 - YouTube doesn't supply any 
            - Stay up to Date                                                                     equipment 
            - Easy to Use                                                                        - Copyright issues occur
            - Easy Rating and Feedback System                               - Privacy infringements occur 
            - Privacy Features                                                               - Not all videos are suitable for 
            - Safe Browsing                                                                       children yet children can access it
            - Quick Access                                                                      - YouTube can take down your 
            - Wide Variety of Videos and Categories                                 account
            - Easily Share Videos through other Social                    - YouTube has a LOT of rules
              Media outlets through YouTube

The main Advantage / Disadvantage topic I see when it comes to YouTube is Money
While YouTube may be free, it isn't necessarily 

If you just want to browse through YouTube, looking and laughing amongst yourself or friends, then yeah, YouTube is free, You don't need to pay for anything.

If you're trying to be on the other side of that, starting a channel to make some money by posting video content for others to browse through with themselves or friends, then that's a different story

While using YouTube just to post your video may be free, the video equipment in order to film is not

Successful YouTubers have professional lighting, audio, video, effects, sets, products, editors, sponsors, etc and I can promise you, it wasn’t cheap

In this sense, YouTube can be seen as a fairly gated community where the rich are successful and make money off of their professional video content whereas the not so well off only have a camera and post only their raw footage because they don’t have the means nor the knowledge to change them but that’s where YouTube is unique again

Some people may only have a camera and others may have the whole shabang and they are all equally uploaded to the same site and it comes down to talent and presence

While the professional may look the part, if they aren’t funny for a comedy channel or informative for an information channel, they aren’t going to get the likes whereas if the guy with only a camera is hilarious for his comedy channel or really knowledgeable for his information channel, people are going to want to visit that channel, maybe even that video again. They’re going to show their friends and they’ll do the same. Eventually, as time passes ans that simple channel gains in popularity, that content creator will get paid and be able to afford all the expensive things he needs for his channel to grow even further.

It’s the quality of the content that matters and the equipment can only get one so far. In the end, it’s you who is in front of the camera  

That’s why I think YouTube is so special. It’s a great opportunity for talent that might be overlooked due to pretty much anything to blossom into it’s full potential to go farther than it could have without it. 

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