Friday, April 16, 2021

Predecessor of YouTube, Traditional Television

While my latest post about YouTube informed you as to its original purpose of being a solution to the lack of an easily accessible and user friendly video sharing platform, its main product are the videos themselves. People usually log on to YouTube to watch videos of all genres for all purposes!

and what better transition to today's post than to take a blast to the past, *don't feel too old now* 😂 

✨Traditional Television✨

While I did not make this image, it is a very good one, found here

Some Facts

  • 1927 - Philo Taylor Farnsworth created the world's first electronic television in his 20s
  • 1938 - American electronic television sets were produced and released commercially
  • 1955 - The first wireless remote was released
  • 1951 - CBS's first colored TV program ran
  • 1966 - CBS took the lead in bringing colored films and programming to all television
  • 1993 - 98% of American households owned a TV
  • 2005 - Flat screen TVs were introduced

I learned about this in school from a girl named Evelyn who did a nice presentation on it 

But tough luck TV, YouTube's got you there too *dramatic dun, dun, dunnnnn*

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