Friday, April 16, 2021

Antiwar? What's That!

  Have you ever heard of ANTIWAR.COM or The American Conservative

Yeah, Me neither

But I mean, it's not surprising. The government is always trying to censor Antiwar voices since...ALWAYS

We just only notice when there's a war going on and it's blatantly obvious but more so because those voices are left out of the mainstream media on a regular basis

Regardless of gender, age, race, and most noticeably, political spectrum, nobody seems to like war, and who would...

Well, the government

On the economics side of things anyway


  • It Provides Jobs 
  • Manufacturing Thrives
  • More people wan to buy weapons and ammo
  • Money moves at a faster rate
You can read more in this Article: The Pros and Cons of War by Stefan Grasso

All that being said, I still appreciate not being in war times right now

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